Aliens from Earth: When Animals and Plants Invade Other Ecosystems
Written by Mary Batten
Illustrated by Beverly J. Doyle
Peachtree Publishers
Izaak Walton League of Conservation Book of the Year
This thirty-two page picture book packs quite a wallop. It's on a subject that I've been concerned about, but understood very little. And I wondered how it could be be presented for young readers Through illustrations and text, it traces the history of alien plant and animal invaders arriving on our shores along with new ones that threaten our lives today. In a clear, readable manner it presents these plants and animals who have taken over our oceans and even our backyards. It’s a tough, complex subject for any age to understand. But the text and detailed illustrations invite readers, grades four and up, to explore its dangers to our quality of life. And the final spread offers suggestions on what regular citizens, young and old, can do to prevent their arrival.
I loved this book. Peachtree asked me to write the teacher's guide to it and you can find the guide at their site or mine.
Hi Shirley,
Thanks for adding your tip about the teacher's guide. You book "No Bows" looks great. I can't wait to read it after that Kirkus review.
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